Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome to Little Reds Reflection!

Welcome to Little Reds Reflection. I created this blog not only as a creative outlet, but as a creative experiment. I feel like I have hit a wall artistically, and have created this blog to help pull my out of my creative funk. So the experiment is, to find something that speaks to me every day. To reflect the world as I see it. I hope that you enjoy, and who knows... maybe you will walk away feeling a little inspired to see the beauty in your everyday life too!

I found a little house on a back road today. Can you imagine being the one to handle that saw? It was taller than me! I always wonder about people who's entire estate is full of antiques. At what point does it just become junk? What do you think? Do you like "antiques," or do you just view it as a bunch of old Junk?

Little Red.


  1. OH I already love this blog! Can't wait for new posts!!!

  2. Cool blog! I can't wait to see more pictures. You are very talented! I love antiques but I agree with Laura. If you find something you LOVE and you know just where to put it then great, if it is just going to go into a pile of "things I like but don't know what to do with" then its junk.
